《欧罗巴系列 ——国家考古发现》2025年3月3日发行




This year's EUROPA stamps, which the member states of the Organization of European Postal Operators (PostEurop) issue once a year on a common theme, are dedicated to the topic of “National Archaeological Discoveries”. Liechtenstein is participating with a joint printing of two special stamps “Stag (left)” and “Warriors (right)” (face value CHF 1.90 each). 

这些邮票的主题是十个祭祀雕像中的四个。这些青铜实心铸造雕像于1932年在位于巴尔策尔斯(Balzers)的古腾伯格城堡山(Gutenberg castle hill)的东南坡沉积层中被发现。它们可以追溯到铁器时代晚期(公元前500-100年),在主题构成上具有独特性。与紧密的灰烬层和动物骨骼一起,这些雕像暗示了附近存在一个火葬遗址。历史学家推测,这些雕像是作为象征性的祭品,被献给超自然力量。 
The subjects used are four of a total of ten votive figures. The solid cast bronze figures were found in 1932 in redeposited layers on the south-eastern slope of the Gutenberg castle hill in Balzers. They date from the Late Iron Age (500-100 BC) and are unique in their thematic composition. Together with compact layers of ash and animal bones, the figurines point to a nearby cremation site. Historians assume that the figures were offered there as symbolic sacrifices to a supernatural power.

 The Gutenberg votive statuettes show influences from the Celtic and Rhaetian cultures and can be assigned to the three themes of war, fertility and animals. The very different quality of the depictions and the inconsistent composition of the bronze indicate different workshops and production times.